a place for the stuff we think about

Monday, June 29, 2009

Skate Jam at Snowboard Connection

Friday, June 26, 2009


I'm starting a nice collection. I'd like to share.

Monday, June 22, 2009

The Soul of Instant Photography

As seen with a Polaroid Land Camera Model 330

Jason Foster

Pike Place Market...


This camera has been a revelation in Composure, Composition and Light.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Medium Format - A different format

It's called Medium Format film, but there are a number of actual crop sizes that fall under that banner. The previous batch was from a 6x6 (cm) square format. The other popular crop size is quite a bit smaller, but still falls under the name Medium Format, 6x4.5 cm. You can see its the more familliar landscape wide-format that we're used to.

It's really all about the resolution obtainable when we put the image on a bigger piece of film. See this example at wikipedia for a size difference.

Here's the first batch from a beautiful camera, the Mamiya 645 PRO.

Friday, June 12, 2009

A new batch of film

New obsession: Medium Format

The decreased Depth Of Field is the obvious part, but there is just something about this format.

This first batch is with a Twin Lens Reflex Mamiya C330 It was inherited from Tali's grandfather who was quite the landscape photographer. These are the results from the first few batches.

More on my flickr site